
Flight 25, 26, 27 Airspeed verification

Flight 25 was a flight to verify that all still worked well after the annual service including oil/oil filter change. During this flight I also did some cardinal heading&track runs at 4000 feet to use for airspeed indication verification.

Flight 26 was a familirazation flight for my second observer and controller Jan-Erik. After the upcoming noise certification tests, I need to focus on solving the intercom problem.

Flight 27 was a great evening flight, I got a rainbow on camera, it looked much greater live. I also adjusted the autopilot, I made a small increase both in gain and torque, getting nearer to what I consider perfect. 

Yesterday I got around to enter the data from flight 25 into the excel sheet provided in Kitplanes to help calculate IAS correction. The result was an amazing -0.29 knots!


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