
Shit happens...

My shipment from Vans with among other things my custom control cables was lost/destroyed during shipment.

Shit happens as they say, I must say that both FedEx and Van´s have handled the incident perfectly and to be honest I have and will not loose much time because of this. I have had lots of tasks to perform that was not depending of this shipment, I just have been prioritizing family and non aviation related things for the last 5-6 weeks.

Last night I spliced cables from the pressure senders, no pics from that, sorry. I am also almost done with the primary electrical system so a first start up of the EFIS and GPS in the panel should not be far away.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear. That must not be very common. Did they tell you what happened in more detail? Guess not, but one gets curious!
    Family goes first, always. Good priorities, even though I wondered why you were so quiet.
    Looking forward to see first power on later on. So I guess summer is not longer first flight. Any idea when? (Not that it matter, when you know you know. ) Glad to get an update nevertheless! Cheers /Jens
