
Canopy frame in place

After an almost two week complete stand still in the project, I am finally working at it again.

My wife helped me place the fuselage on a tabletop, she somehow managed to stay away from the camera. It was then easy to place the frame onto it´s guides. A tiny amount of sanding was needed to make it clear the front skin.


38 Canopy frame riveted

So soon we will se if it fits on the fuselage and then if the plexy fits the frame.


38 A productive day

Almost completed riveting the canopy frame today.


38 started riveting the canopy frame

The first rivets in the canopy frame are done.


38 almost

Starting to cleco the pieces together again with the intention to actually rivet them together.

38 Recovering from the NAS is taking forever

Sorry about the lack of updates. I am still working for about an hour every evening. Some dimpling to do then I will start riveting the canopy frame/assembly together.


38 caught a problem in time

Yesterday I could not get all holes to line up properly, it would not have been possible to final drill the holes in step 11 on page 38-13 without getting oval holes.

Today I looked into it a bit more carefully and found the problem. The forward part of C-01409 interfered with I think C-01408 on both sides. I trimmed the back of C-01408 about 1mm and the problem went away.


38 Soon to be separated again

Some final/match drilling and then all gets separated again.


Still working

Recovering files from the NAS, taking forever but It looks like I will be able to save a lot. It was around 4 weeks since I made the last backup. So there are not so much that needs to be rescued but finding these files in the around 7 TB of disk space is a huge task.