
Rudder fairing nutplates

Deburred the holes then dimpled the nutplates and fairing attachments, would have been a fun job if it wasn't for it being so cold.

I could not dimple the attachment closest to the trailing edge, I need a 3/32 POP RIVET DIMPLER SET


Bottom rudder fairing, final drilling and drilling for nutplates

Another session tonight. Final drilled the lower end holes and drilled the holes for riveting the nutplates. A satisfying task, not difficult but not as trivial and boring like deburring...

Top rudder fairing

Back from a great vacation (Lanzarote).

It is -2 outside and only about 15 in the garage (28/59 Fahrenheit). Its not very pleasant to hold the cold tools. Did at short session during lunch were I final drilled #30 the holes for the top rudder fairing and I then dimpled the rudder and machine countersunk the fairing. Used the manual drill for the countersinking to be in full control.

No pictures today as the camera battery is still unpacked from the trip.


Wing kit shipping date

VANs have let me know that my wing kit is planned to be shipped on the second week of January. I will do very little on the kit between now and X-mas.


Elevator fairings

Trimmed and match drilled the elevator fairings.


Black friday

In a way I'm showing off all three of my BF purchases: JB-Weld glue, An angle drill and my GoPro Hero. (The new entry level version, If I use it a lot then I´ll probably get a high end version 5 model)